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e-1113 (Sexual orientation)

Initiated by Denis Tsarev from Toronto, Ontario

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Government of Canada

  • The authorities of Chechnya are currently carrying out violent persecution, arrests, physical torture, inciting hatred against, and encouraging assaults on the members of the LGBT community, with over hundred said people detained since last February
  • The authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran are also currently carrying out violent persecution, arrests, physical torture, inciting hatred against, and encouraging assaults on the members of the LGBT community, with over thirty said people arrested in recent months
We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to make an explicit statement condemning said actions of Chechnya’s and Iran’s governments and to introduce a program for resettling the members of the LGBT community as refugees from the countries where they are subjected to persecution.
Open for signature
May 18, 2017, at 3:38 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
September 15, 2017, at 3:38 p.m. (EDT)
Photo - Michelle Rempel
Calgary Nose Hill
Conservative Caucus