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441-02539 (Foreign affairs)

Petition to the Government of Canada


  • Israel's war with Hamas killed almost 20,000 people in Gaza in the two months between October 7 and December 18, 2023, with about 70% of them women and children;

  • The civilian casualty rate in this war is significantly higher than the average rate in all the conflicts around the world during the 20th century;

  • In the occupied West Bank, 2023 has been the deadliest year on record since the UN began reporting in 2005, with at least 477 Palestinians killed by Israeli fire;

  • The value of Canada's arms trade with Israel has been accelerating in the last few years, and in 2022 Canada transferred over $20m in arms to Israel, the third-highest level on record, even adjusted for inflation;

  • Canada has a legal responsibility under the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), and its harmonized domestic legislation, to ensure its arms exports are not used in the commission of serious violations of international law, or serious violence against women and children; and

  • In the past, Canada has imposed a two-way arms embargo on Israel as a response to violence against Palestinian civilians; notably, in the late 1980s during the first intifada.

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:

  • 1. Impose a two-way embargo on arms between Canada and Israel;

  • 2. Investigate whether Canadian weapons or weapons components have been used against Palestinian civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories, including during the current war on Gaza;

  • 3. Review all military and security cooperation between Canada and Israel; and

  • 4. Close loopholes that allow the unregulated and unreported transfer of military goods to Israel through the United States.

Response by the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Parliamentary Secretary Rob Oliphant

Parts 1, 2 and 4 - The Government of Canada shares the shock and horror felt across Canada – and around the world – at the brutal and unthinkable terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023. The Government also recognizes the devastating toll faced by Palestinians as a result of the ensuing conflict. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is catastrophic. The tragic loss of civilian lives – particularly women and children – is heartbreaking. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has been clear: too many Palestinian civilians people have been killed; international law must be respected; civilians must be protected. The violence must stop.

This is why Canada has been calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire for many months. This is needed urgently, and it must not be one-sided. Hamas – a listed terrorist organization – must lay down its arms and release all hostages. Rapid, safe, and unimpeded access for humanitarian relief must be provided; the need for this assistance has never been greater.

As the Minister of Foreign Affairs has outlined, Canada’s long-standing position is ultimately rooted three key principles: that Israel has a right to exist and by extension defend itself, in accordance with international humanitarian law; that protection of civilians is paramount; and that the Palestinian people have a right to self-determination. A sustainable ceasefire is a necessary path to towards securing lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians, and why the Government has remained committed to its long-standing goal of a two-state solution, including the creation of a Palestinian state, where Palestinians and Israelis live side by side in peace, security, and dignity.

The Government of Canada also remains committed to full compliance with its export control regime, which is one of the most rigorous in the world. This was strengthened by Canada’s accession to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in 2019, which was enshrined into the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA)  alongside enhanced public reporting requirements. All permit applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis as part of a robust risk assessment, including against ATT criteria. Canada’s missions abroad are consulted as part of the export permit review process, considering the local and regional situation and associated security risks. Permits to export controlled goods and technology from Canada will not be issued if there is a substantial risk that they could be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of International Human Rights or Humanitarian Law.  It is also worth noting that all controlled goods exported from Canada through the United States to a third country (i.e. transit/transshipment) require a Canadian export permit for the third country when they leave Canada. 

All permits issued for the export of military goods and technologies destined to Israel between October 7, 2023, and January 8, 2024 – as well as all previously approved permits which remain in effect – are for non-lethal items. The government has not approved any new permits since January 8, 2024.  The Government is also fully engaged in responding to the provisions of the motion passed by the House of Commons on March 18, 2024.

Pursuant to the Import Control List, a permit is required for the import for a  number of items such as chemical weapons convention items, small- and large-calibre weapons, ammunition, bombs, pyrotechnics, tanks and self-propelled guns, as well as components and parts specifically designed for these items. No such permits have been issued for the import of items from Israel in either 2023 or 2024.

Response by the Minister of National Defence

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Marie-France Lalonde

Part 3

Canada’s relationship with Israel on defence and security matters is governed by the 2014 Canada-Israel Strategic Partnership. This is subject to both annual consultations as well as a comprehensive review of the memorandum of understanding every five years.

Presented to the House of Commons
Lori Idlout (Nunavut)
June 6, 2024 (Petition No. 441-02539)
Government response tabled
August 21, 2024
Photo - Lori Idlout
New Democratic Party Caucus

25 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.