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441-02143 (Civil and human rights)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons in Parliament Assembled

We, the undersigned citizens of Canada draw the attention of the House to the following:


Freedom of choice in health care is becoming increasingly curtailed and further threatened by legislation and statutory regulations of the Government of Canada;

It is a fundamental right for individuals to be able to choose how to prevent illness or how to address illness or injury in their own bodies;

Canadians want the freedom to decide how they will prevent illness or how they will address illness or injury in their own bodies; and

Canadians are competent and able to make their own health decisions without State interference.

THEREFORE, your petitioners call upon Parliament to guarantee the right of every Canadian to health freedom by enacting the Charter of Health Freedom drafted for the Natural Health Product Protection Association on September 4, 2008.

Response by the Minister of Health

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Yasir Naqvi

Health Canada recognizes that natural health products (NHPs) are important to Canadians to help support and maintain their health and is committed to supporting access to natural health products that are safe and of high quality.

While NHPs are generally lower risk products, that does not mean they are without risk, especially if products are adulterated, or used improperly.

In 2021, the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development completed an audit of Health Canada’s NHP program and found both strengths and areas for improvement. Health Canada committed to undertaking a number of initiatives to improve the oversight of these products.

In an effort to make the natural health product market safer for consumers and support Canadians in making informed choices, Health Canada recently introduced two important regulatory and legislative changes:

  • In July 2022, after extensive consultation with stakeholders and taking their feedback into account, Health Canada introduced new regulatory requirements to make natural health product labels easier for Canadians to read and understand. This includes, for example, increased font size and improved colour contrast.
  • In June 2023, the Government passed legislation allowing Health Canada to take more action if a serious risk to health is identified with a natural health product. This legislation allows Health Canada to order recalls or add warnings to labels, if necessary, which the Department could not do before.

Now, Health Canada is proposing fees for industry to allow the Department to create an even safer marketplace for consumers and begin to recoup a portion of the costs of services it provides to industry. Presently, NHPs are the only line of health products where the regulatory activities are fully funded by Canadian taxpayers.

Health Canada knows that many NHP companies are small businesses and is committed to supporting them. The Department is considering measures to help alleviate the impact of fees on businesses.  This includes fee reductions of 25% to 50% and a full waiver of pre-market evaluation fees for small businesses marketing their first product.

Health Canada is actively reviewing thousands of comments received on its fee proposal, including those relating to the proposed fee reductions for small businesses, as part of an open and transparent consultation process with Canadians and businesses. At this time, the Department is considering how best to adjust the proposed approach to address the concerns raised prior to further engagement with stakeholders.

Ultimately, this initiative is not about limiting the production of NHPs or consumers’ access to them. Rather, these efforts are about making sure the products Canadians use every day are safe, and of high quality.

Presented to the House of Commons
Garnett Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan)
February 12, 2024 (Petition No. 441-02143)
Government response tabled
March 22, 2024
Photo - Garnett Genuis
Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan
Conservative Caucus

97 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.