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441-01293 (Foreign affairs)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons


  • Since coming to power in 2009, the current Government of Bangladesh started using armed forces such as the police and Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), and the ruling party's armed activists for oppression and crackdown on opposition political parties, critics, intellectuals, news media, and journalists to shut their voice, take away citizens democratic rights and forcefully remain in power;
  • The present Government has also instituted a system of forced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, false lawsuits, and all means of intimidation through its aligned forces and armed activists;
  • Corruptions, rape, torture, killing, kidnapping, and other undemocratic actions are beyond imagination;
  • As a result, the U.S. government has imposed sanctions on the RAB and six topmost law enforcement officers;
  • The ruling Government has established control over all the fundamental institutions of the state, including the judiciary system with one example being, the former Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Begum Khaleda Zia, has been convicted through a politically motivated lawsuit and is being denied going abroad to treat her critical illness;
  • According to impartial national and international observers, the ruling party remained in power by vote rigging in the 2014 and 2018 general elections;
  • When hundreds of thousands of activists from opposition political parties and general people gathered in mass in peaceful rallies across the country to raise their demand for reintroducing the neutral Caretaker Government system for a free and fair general election, police arrested thousands, including opposition party leaders; and
  • There are concerns related to how opposition activists and leaders, including a former MP have been killed.

We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to mandate a standing committee of the House of Commons to review the human rights violations and undemocratic actions of the ruling Government in Bangladesh, and take all possible measures to support democracy, human rights, and justice.

Response by the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Rob Oliphant

Canada attaches great importance to protecting and advancing human rights and democracy, including respect for diversity, pluralism, and the rule of law. Canada recognizes the critical need to continue to strengthen democratic norms and institutions around the world, which is reflected in engagement with all international partners. Canada believes that peace, prosperity, and democracy are mutually reinforcing and must be built through inclusive approaches that respect human rights, diversity and gender equality. These values remain a priority for Canada’s engagement at home and abroad. The promotion and protection of human rights remains a key element of Canada’s international policies and engagement, including in Canada’s relationship with Bangladesh. Canada strongly believes that respect for all human rights is essential to achieving a stable, inclusive and prosperous world.

Canada continues to closely monitor the democracy and human rights situation in Bangladesh. Canada publically conveyed its concerns regarding credible claims of irregularities, harassment, intimidation, and violence exhibited during the 2018 general elections in Bangladesh, as well as the lack of transparent action by the relevant authorities to address these claims. Canada has privately voiced human rights concerns during meetings with Prime Minister Hasina and publicly through editorials in the national newspaper; and directly funds the country’s strongest human rights lawyers, advocates and organizations. In concert with likeminded partners, Canada is a vocal supporter of human rights in Bangladesh, with related public statements and programing in its role co-chairing the Media Freedom Coalition, and through the High Commission of Canada in Dhaka.

As part of the United Nations Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review in 2018, the Government of Canada recommended that the Government of Bangladesh: ensure that freedom of assembly and expression extends in practice to all people, media, civil society and political parties; eliminate child, early and forced marriage, including by reforming the Child Marriage Restraint Act to remove the exception for child marriage in “special cases”; and take active steps to include LGBTI persons in human rights legislation in recognition of the many dangers and other challenges faced by the community. The upcoming Universal Periodic Review process for Bangladesh in 2023 will again provide Canada with an avenue to provide constructive feedback on the human rights situation in this country.

Canada will continue to engage with the Government of Bangladesh on these important issues.

Presented to the House of Commons
Kevin Lamoureux (Winnipeg North)
March 31, 2023 (Petition No. 441-01293)
Government response tabled
May 15, 2023
Photo - Kevin Lamoureux
Winnipeg North
Liberal Caucus

53 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.