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441-01268 (Democratic process)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English


We, the undersigned citizens (or residents) of Canada, draw the attention of the House to the following:

THAT, this "Vote of No Confidence" is in response to the policies, mandates and actions of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Government. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made it very clear that he has no interest in answering the concerns of the Canadian Citizens. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lacks dedication to Canadians, he has not shown any commitment to truly make Canada a place where we can all thrive. We the people of Canada vote Prime Ministers into their position, they should lead with the best interests of Canadians. There should be transparency, accountability and no hidden agendas. He has left Canadians feeling betrayed, frustrated, scared, threatened, the list goes on. It's time we make a change, a "Vote of No Confidence" is needed to help Canadians heal and move forward, to do this we need someone accountable to run this country with Canadians best interests at heart.

THEREFORE, your petitioners request that Parliament remove Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Government from office.

Response by the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Jennifer O'Connell

As Canadians, we are blessed to live in a free and democratic country.

In 2021, we collectively exercised the democratic rights guaranteed to us by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canada Elections Act. In the 44th General Election since Confederation, a total of 17,209,811 Canadian citizens exercised their right to vote, and to freely choose from among 2,010 fellow citizens who put themselves forward as candidates. We should all take pride in the fact that Canadians continue to be so deeply engaged in our democratic process and its institutions.

Under our system of Parliamentary and responsible government, we continue to govern with the confidence of the House of Commons. We are accountable to Parliament and to Canadians, whether through Parliament proceedings, the scrutiny of the free press, and the many formal and informal ways in which Government and elected Members of Parliament engage with concerned citizens, organizations, and civil society every day.

We continue to work to make Canada a place where we can all thrive. Our agenda as a Government includes measures to make life more affordable for Canadians, whether through investing in child care and dental care, or by improving important benefits such as the Canada Child Benefit, Canada Pension Plan, OAS, and the Guaranteed Income Supplement. We are helping Canadians create new middle class jobs by tackling supply chain challenges, doubling the Tradespeople’s Tool Deduction, and promoting international trade to bring Canadian goods and services to the global marketplace. And we are protecting our environment for future generations by greening our electrical grid, electrifying our transport sector, and investing in the critical mineral sector that makes Canada a world leader.

The Government is proud of this record. We continue to work hard to retain the confidence of Parliament for the remainder of this term, and Canadian citizens will once again exercise their democratic rights in the 45th General Election.

Presented to the House of Commons
Randy Hoback (Prince Albert)
March 31, 2023 (Petition No. 441-01268)
Government response tabled
May 15, 2023
Photo - Randy Hoback
Prince Albert
Conservative Caucus

173 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.