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441-00507 (Health)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: Bilingual

Petition to the Government of Canada


- Vaccines do not prevent virus transmission;

- Travelers with a vaccine passport are authorized to board planes or trains, without presenting a negative test result, even though they could be positive and asymptomatic;

- The government considers Covid-19 detection tests reliable;

- Many canadian citizens and residents have family or close ones in other provinces, or other countries; and

- Visiting close ones, sick, dying, or going to a funeral are valid reasons to authorize traveling of unvaccinated passengers.

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government to accept proof of a negative Covid test result to board a plane, a train, or any other mode of transportation, to leave Canada or to travel within Canada.

Response by the Minister of Transport

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable Omar Alghabra

In recognition of the critical nature of the transportation sector for Canadians and for the economy, the Government of Canada has been committed to keeping it safe and secure since the onset of the pandemic.

Throughout the pandemic, Transport Canada has worked closely with federal partners, provinces and territories and the transportation industry to implement a comprehensive set of targeted and calibrated measures to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, to help keep Canadian travellers safe, and ensure the safety and resiliency of the Canadian transportation system.

The public health and safety measures that the Government of Canada has implemented have been and will continue to be based on the best public health advice and science available. As the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved, so too have public health measures and advice. The Government of Canada will continue to evaluate measures and will not hesitate to make adjustments based on the latest public health advice and science to keep Canadians and the transportation system safe and secure.

Vaccination continues to be one of the most effective tools to protect Canadians, including younger Canadians, the healthcare system and economy. Everyone in Canada needs to keep up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including booster doses to get ready for the fall. The Government of Canada will continue to work with provinces and territories to help even more Canadians get the shots they are eligible for.

Vaccine Mandate in the Transportation Sector

In August 2021, the Government of Canada announced mandatory vaccination requirements for the federal workforce, federally regulated transportation sector, and certain travellers. These requirements, which came into effect on October 30, 2021, made vaccination against COVID-19 a requirement to board a plane, train or certain vessels in Canada, and required federally regulated transport sector employers to put in place mandatory vaccination policies for their employees. To support the safe resumption of cruise ship travel, which began in April 2022, travellers and crew on cruise ships are also required to be fully vaccinated.

On June 20, 2022, the Government of Canada suspended vaccination requirements for domestic and outbound travel and for federally regulated transportation sectors; vaccination is no longer a requirement to board a plane or train in Canada. Other public health measures, such as wearing a mask, continue to apply and will be enforced throughout a traveller’s journey on a plane or train. This change does not affect border measures that require all travellers entering Canada to continue following entry requirements, including vaccination.

The Government of Canada’s decision to suspend the mandatory vaccination requirement for the domestic transportation sector was informed by key indicators, including the evolution of the virus; the epidemiologic situation and modelling (stabilization of infection and hospitalizations across the country); vaccine science; and high levels of vaccination in Canada against COVID-19.

Federally regulated transportation sector employers: As of June 20, 2022, employers in the federally regulated air, rail, and marine sectors no longer need to have mandatory vaccination policies in place for employees. Employers will be responsible for establishing return-to-work practices.

Cruise Travel: Given the unique nature of cruise ships, including the fact that passengers are in close contact with each other for extended periods of time, and Canada’s border requirements, vaccination against COVID-19 is still required for passengers and crew on cruise ships operating in Canadian waters. Adherence to strict public health requirements on cruise ships will still be required.

Border Measures

Early in the pandemic, it was recognized that truckers and other workers performed services that were essential to keeping goods and services flowing, and they were allowed exemptions from strict border requirements put in place for most cross-border travellers.

In January 2022, the Minister of Health, using the Quarantine Act, implemented vaccination requirements for some foreign national essential workers entering Canada, including Canadian and foreign national commercial truck drivers. The United States implemented similar measures in January as well, affecting foreign nationals.

While the suspension of domestic vaccine mandates reflects an improved public health situation in Canada, the COVID-19 virus continues to evolve and circulate in Canada and globally. Given this context, and because vaccination rates and virus control in other countries varies significantly, current vaccination requirements at the border continue to remain in effect. This will reduce the potential impact of international travel on the health care system and serve as added protection against any future variant. 


Presented to the House of Commons
Joël Lightbound (Louis-Hébert)
May 20, 2022 (Petition No. 441-00507)
Government response tabled
August 17, 2022
Photo - Joël Lightbound
Liberal Caucus

49 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.