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432-01180 (Social affairs and equality)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Government of Canada


  • a hidden disability symbol should be free, accessible, and used voluntarily;
  • a hidden disability symbol's design should be effective as a self-advocacy and awareness tool, and relevant to and inclusive of all hidden and episodic disabilities without detracting from detectable disabilities;
  • hidden, including episodic, disabilities affect more people than do detectable disabilities, yet are less represented and understood;
  • the hidden disability community (HDC) is growing as COVID-19 survivors are expected to experience permanent impairments;
  • 82% of surveyed HDC members report avoidance of events, places and situations at least once or twice a week;
  • women with hidden disabilities are overrepresented in human trafficking, prison, and homeless populations;
  • the HDC is overrepresented in violent police interactions;
  • the International Symbol of Access (ISA, aka wheelchair symbol) excludes the HDC, resulting in many reports of permit-holding members of the HDC are being accosted at accessible parking spots;
  • a Hidden Disability Symbol is a tool for self-advocacy, increasing social awareness and support, improving information and best practices, recruitment of disabled employees, identification of accommodation needs while respecting individual rights to privacy, and preventing negative police and other public interactions;
  • hidden disability icons, symbols, and memes are in use in various countries and available through differing models;
  • currently a petition is asking the UK government to adopt a hidden disabilities scheme;
  • there is, therefore, a proven and timely need for a hidden disability symbol in Canada, and internationally;

We, the undersigned citizens or residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to adopt and promote a national Hidden Disability Symbol, and lead or participate in actions toward its international adoption.

Presented to the House of Commons
Chandra Arya (Nepean)
June 21, 2021 (Petition No. 432-01180)
Photo - Chandra Arya
Liberal Caucus

127 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.