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432-01175 (Health)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Minister of Health

Whereas, the existing regime governing the production of medical marijuana, particularly the Part 2 or “designated growers” regime, is rife with abuse as a result of loopholes in the current legislation that impede local officials' and law enforcement’s investigations of growing operations that appear to be in violation of the law, of a lack of oversight from Health Canada of growing facilities, and of individuals obtaining extraordinarily large prescriptions to be grown by designated growers, and said prescriptions being magnitudes in excess of what a normal medical use prescription would be;

Whereas, many Type 2/Designated growing operations have reached the scale of commercial operations, yet are not required to implement the types of controls in their facilities that safeguard the products they grow or minimize odour, or environmental impact of neighbouring areas; and

Whereas, indications are that a growing number of designated growing facilities are linked to organized crime and are suppling the contraband market.

We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the Minister of Health to:

  • 1. Take immediate action to address the aforementioned issues within Canada's Medical Marijuana framework;
  • 2. Eliminate the existing loopholes; and
  • 3. Provide law enforcement with the tools they need to swiftly and successfully investigate and prosecute unlawful designated grow operations and implement safeguards to ensure that these facilities do not negatively impact the quality of life of Canadian residents.

Presented to the House of Commons
Tamara Jansen (Cloverdale—Langley City)
June 21, 2021 (Petition No. 432-01175)
Photo - Tamara Jansen
Cloverdale—Langley City
Conservative Caucus
British Columbia

29 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.