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431-00150 (Taxation)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English


We the undersigned citizens of Canada respectfully request that the House of Commons give serious consideration to the following:

WHEREAS, Canada has a national price on carbon, uniting all provinces with a minimum and rising fee. This is an important step to help Canada in its transition to clean energy.

THAT, Canada has committed to increasing the fee for only five years which makes planning difficult for Canadian businesses;

THAT, A five year commitment and a price of $50 per carbon tonne are not enough to meet Canada's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030;

THAT, Some sectors of the economy are exempt from the full price of the carbon tax. A comprehensive fee applied at the wellhead and point of entry for import in all provinces will most effectively reduce Canada's greenhouse gas emissions while providing powerful incentives to invest in the clean energy economy;

THAT, Canada should be incentivizing non-carbon-taxing jurisdictions to price carbon while helping our economy establish an equal footing in the global market;

THAT, Low and middle income Canadians are already overburdened with taxes.

THEREFORE, we petitioners call upon the House of Commons to take meaningful steps so that Canada can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and become a world leader in the clean energy economy. Extending the carbon fee to rise incrementally to at least $150 by 2030, ensuring comprehensive coverage and imposing border tax adjustments on carbon pollution will help ensure a strong, diverse and competitive economy inspiring other countries to take Canada's lead. Protecting low and middle-income Canadians from a rising carbon price by recirculating 100% of the revenue equitably to citizens in dividend cheques will ensure transparency and citizens will understand where their carbon fees go.

Response by the Minister of Finance

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Mr. Sean Fraser

The Government of Canada has been working with provinces, territories, and Indigenous Peoples, to implement the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. This plan outlines over 50 concrete measures to reduce carbon pollution, help us adapt and become more resilient to the impacts of a changing climate, spur clean technology solutions, and create good jobs that contribute to a stronger economy. The Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change provides a foundation and positions Canada on a path to meet its 2030 targets and achieve net zero by 2050.

Pricing carbon pollution is an essential part of this plan. It is the most effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stimulate investments in clean innovation. A price on carbon pollution creates incentives for individuals, households, and businesses to choose cleaner options.

The federal carbon pollution pricing system is not about raising revenues. It is about recognizing that pollution has a cost, empowering Canadians, and encouraging cleaner growth and a more sustainable future. All direct proceeds from carbon pollution pricing under the federal system will be returned to the jurisdiction in which they were generated.

Provincial and territorial governments that have committed to addressing climate change by voluntarily adopting the federal system will receive these proceeds directly from the federal government and can decide on how to use them.

For provinces that have not committed to pricing carbon pollution (Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta), the federal government will return the bulk of direct proceeds from the fuel charge directly to individuals and families in the form of tax-free Climate Action Incentive payments. Most households in those provinces will receive more in Climate Action Incentive payments than the increased costs they incur from the federal carbon pollution pricing system. Returning proceeds from carbon pollution pricing mitigates the financial impact on families while maintaining the incentive to pollute less.

In the Pan-Canadian Framework, the Government committed to work with provinces and territories to review the path forward on carbon pollution pricing in 2022. The review will inform the path forward, and help ensure that carbon pollution pricing is fair and effective across Canada.

Presented to the House of Commons
Laurel Collins (Victoria)
March 11, 2020 (Petition No. 431-00150)
Government response tabled
May 25, 2020
Photo - Laurel Collins
New Democratic Party Caucus
British Columbia

34 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.