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M-58 Federal framework on housing for individuals with non-visible disabilities

44th Parliament, 1st Session

Motion Text

That, in the opinion of the House, the government should continue to work in consultation with representatives of the provincial and territorial governments, the Federal Housing Advocate, Indigenous governing bodies, service providers to people with disabilities, housing providers, and other relevant stakeholders, in upholding a federal framework to improve access to adaptable affordable housing for individuals with non-visible disabilities, which should:

(a) consider the presence of an expert on persons with visible and non-visible disabilities to the National Housing Council, and that the expert provides advice to the Ministers on the application of the National Housing Strategy (NHS) to persons with disabilities;

(b) amend section 4 (Housing Policy Declaration) of the National Housing Strategy Act to consider including a recognition of the additional barriers to housing faced by persons with disabilities;

(c) prioritize the creation and repair of accessible units through NHS programs; and

(d) ensure that the right to adequate housing is applied equitably across all vulnerable populations, specifically persons with disabilities, both mobility and other.

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