History, Art and Architecture Collection


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tympanum Photo gallery for Sedna photo 1


Artists Bart Hanna (Artist)
Date 2019/04/08
Materials stone, Indiana limestone
Fabrication Techniques sculpted
Dimensions (cm) 84.0 (Width)65.0 (Height)
Functions Building component Art
Photo gallery for Sedna photo 2


As part of the celebrations surrounding the 150th anniversary of Confederation and to mark the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Nunavut as a territory, the House of Commons—with the support of Public Services and Procurement Canada—is commissioning a sculpture by an artist from the territory. Nunavut artist Bart Hanna has been selected to create that sculpture. The piece will serve as a contemporary addition to the Parliament Buildings.

Mr. Hanna was selected by a jury that included the Dominion Sculptor, invited experts from the arts community, and the Curator of the House of Commons.

The sculpture was unveiled on April 8, 2019, and is on display in West Block until it can permanently take up residence in the House of Commons Foyer following the restoration of Centre Block.

Beautifully detailed, expressive, and evocative, this sculpture of the sea goddess Sedna contributes to the artistic and architectural character of the Parliament buildings.

Sedna is one of the most important and powerful figures in Inuit mythology. She watches over her sea-creature children and protects them from the harsh elements of the Arctic.

Bart Hanna

Mr. Hanna is a sculptor based in Igloolik, Nunavut. He creates works that range in size from small figures to monumental works, each one incorporating a high level of detail and texture. Through his work, Mr. Hanna often addresses social issues and the effects of colonization that have negatively impacted Inuit communities. He does this by including characters that are pulled from shamanism or from his dreams, as a way of healing or addressing his own experiences and hopefully inspiring others to share and understand as well. Sculpture has become a medium through which Mr. Hanna explores his cultural roots and also communicates painful experiences.