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SRSR Committee Report

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As Canada faces a skilled labour shortage, post-secondary education and research institutions are confronted with strong international competition to attract and retain top talent.

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Science and Research (the Committee) decided to carry out a study on how best to attract and retain top talent at Canadian universities, colleges and trade schools, and support research and innovation.

The evidence heard by the Committee highlighted the importance of attracting and retaining talent, in terms of both the quality of scientific research in Canada and the capacity to innovate. Witnesses made a number of recommendations to the Committee to make Canada more attractive to top talent. These recommendations focused on the immigration process for top talent; the standard of living for students; the challenges facing early-career researchers; equity, diversity and inclusion; retaining talent in the regions; and the role of college-level institutions.

Based on the testimony heard, the Committee is making 13 recommendations to the government.