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TRAN Committee Report

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As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Recommendation 1

That the Government of Canada draft new legislation similar to the United Kingdom’s Protection of Military Remains Act to protect Canada's ocean war graves.

Recommendation 2

That the Government of Canada explore all options for using existing legislative and regulatory powers to provide immediate legal protection for ocean war graves, on an interim basis until the bill is passed.

Recommendation 3

That the Government of Canada ensure that any regulations or legislation governing ocean war graves provide sanctions similar to those for the desecration of land  war graves.

Recommendation 4

That the Government of Canada make certain that the definition of an ocean war grave employed in new legislation and any future regulations appropriately addresses merchant ships to ensure that those that were sunk while in the service of the military are adequately protected.

Recommendation 5

That the Government of Canada ensure that the definition of an ocean war grave employed in new legislation and any future regulations is capable of immediately encompassing ocean war graves resulting from any future conflict.

Recommendation 6

That the Government of Canada adopt a practice of officially requesting, through diplomatic channels, that any Canadian ocean war graves that presently lay beneath foreign waters be protected to the full extent permitted under the domestic laws of the nation responsible for those waters.