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CIIT Committee Report

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Recommendation 1:

The Government of Canada should increase its lobbying and advocacy efforts in Washington in order to better inform the US government and Members of Congress of the issues surrounding the Canada-US border, and the consequences to both countries of “thickening” the border.

Recommendation 2:

The Government of Canada should take a proactive approach to identifying and proposing solutions to issues affecting the Canada-US border, such as exploring ways in which to facilitate commercial activity across the border without compromising security and sovereignty concerns in the process.

Recommendation 3:

The Government of Canada should implement a system to monitor and evaluate the effects of the COOL requirements on Canadian agriculture and industries. These results should be submitted to USDA officials as part of their current review. Once the review process is complete, the Government of Canada must ensure that it has access to the findings as soon as possible, and it must take the opportunity to discuss the findings with the USDA.