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CIIT Committee Report

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Dissenting Opinion

Liberal Party of Canada

The Liberal Party of Canada supports working with Colombia to improve trade.  As the party of free trade we understand the importance of finding new markets for our products and diversifying our trade.  An agreement with Colombia however is complicated by the country’s long standing reputation as having the worst human rights record in the Western Hemisphere.  Of particular concern is the high level of killings amongst labour activists.  A trade agreement with Colombia should be contingent on an independent human rights assessment which clearly demonstrates the progress of the Colombian Government on these important issues.  The agreement itself should also ensure that deals on labour and the environment exceed the template of the North American Free Trade Agreement in order to set a higher standard for future negotiations.  A free trade agreement with Colombia must also be accompanied by legislated provisions on corporate social responsibility and reporting mechanisms to monitor the implementation of universal human rights standards by Canadian entities investing in Colombia.

It has long been the position of the Liberal Party that trade and human rights should not be done in isolation.  For example under Prime Minister Chretien, the Government actively pursued a dialogue on human rights with China while engaging in trade and investment talks.  

A free trade agreement with Colombia should be a model for how we address human rights and environmental issues in future negotiations.  The Government is strongly urged to ensure that these concerns are addressed in a meaningful way.  If we can’t properly address human rights with Colombia than how can the Government possibly consider tackling contentious agreements with larger markets.  Getting Colombia right will set a precedent that will give the Government strength in future negotiations.

The Conservative Government however has rushed a deal with Colombia from the start, in an obvious attempt to further the Prime Minister’s political agenda in the Americas.  This agenda mirrors that of U.S. President George Bush and appears to be more focused on signing deals as quickly as possible no matter what the cost.

Concerned over the handling of human rights and the environment in the Colombia negotiations, the Liberal Party initiated this study of the International Trade Committee to advise the Government on how/if they should proceed with the negotiations.  However in an effort to undermine the work of the Committee, the Government went ahead and concluded negotiations on June 7th before the release of this report.

The Liberal Party’s support of any signed agreement is contingent on the Government addressing issues of human rights and the environment in a meaningful and enforceable manner.  Canada should be taking the lead in advocating a principled trade policy, we owe to Colombians and we owe to ourselves.