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HUMA Committee Report

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Committee members are unanimous in their belief that the government’s management of employment insurance funds since the latter part of the 1990s has been seriously wanting. Program contributors — both employees and employers — have been forced to endure excessive costs compared to the benefits that this program is designed to deliver. This must stop and it must stop now.

Our report offers a blueprint for restoring EI’s financial governance, enhancing access to EI benefits and providing the level of support that many believe should be available to unemployed workers under this program. It is the responsibility of the federal government to ensure that all EI contributors are well served under this program. And it is our hope that the recommendations contained in this report will help the government fulfill this responsibility.

This study was conducted in a very short period of time and members of the Subcommittee would like to extend their appreciation and thanks to all of the witnesses who took the time, often on short notice, to share their expertise with us. Without their thoughtful consideration and concern for the many issues that currently surround the EI program this report would not have been possible.