Standing Committee on Finance
The mandate of the Standing Committee on Finance is to study and report on all matters relating to the mandate, management and operation of selected federal departments and agencies, including the Department of Finance and the Canada Revenue Agency, and to conduct pre-budget consultations.

Submit a Brief

Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2025 Budget

Conditions for submission

Please consult the Guide for Submitting Briefs House to Commons Committees for information and guidelines pertaining to the submission of briefs.

All briefs must respect the criteria outlined in the Guide in order to be accepted for consideration by the committee.

Please note that briefs containing crude or disrespectful language, as well as briefs consisting of irrelevant information, will not be accepted by the committee.

In addition to the criteria outlined in the Guide, committees may also set specific requirements for the submission of briefs in relation to a study.

Should you have any questions regarding the submission of your brief, please contact the Clerk of the committee.

Your contact information

Are you submitting a brief on behalf of an organization?*

File selection*

In order to facilitate its translation, your file should not be password protected and/or have any modification restrictions.

Confirm and submit

I understand that the brief I am submitting will be considered a public document of the committee, and that it may be posted on the committee's website. Therefore, it should not contain any information (e.g. personal contact information) that I wish to keep confidential.

I confirm that I have read and accept the guidelines and criteria outlined in the Guide for Submitting Briefs to House of Commons Committee's website. Therefore, it should not contain any information (e.g. personal contact information) that I wish to keep confidential.