Routine Proceedings / Motions

Adjournment motion

Debates pp. 7848-9


During Routine Proceedings, Mr. MacEachen (Minister of National Health and Welfare) moved that the House adjourn immediately after returning from attending Royal Assent to the proposed appropriation bills and to any other measures, and stand adjourned until April 23. After some debate on the motion, Mr. Knowles (Winnipeg North Centre) rose on a question of privilege to ask if notice of the government motion should be transferred to Government Orders.


When notice of a motion to adjourn has been given by the Government, must the motion be introduced under Government Orders?


No. Such motions, when notice is required, should be called, and disposed of under Motions.

Reasons given by the Speaker

This is a point of order rather than a question of privilege. A report by the Special Committee on Procedure, concurred in by the House on July 12, 1955, states that a motion to adjourn the House shall, when notice is required, be listed, called and disposed of under Motions.

Sources cited

Journals, June 14, 1955, p. 746v; July 12, 1955, pp. 881,944.


Debates, March 20, 1968, pp. 7841-8.