Amendments to the Content of Bills / Report Stage

Motions in amendment, beyond scope of bill

Journals pp. 1418-20

Debates pp. 7866-7, 7879-83


As the House was proceeding to the report stage consideration of Bill C-24, an Act respecting immigration to Canada, the Speaker made a statement to the House on his assessment of the motions in amendment which had been filed. Of the 55 motions, the Speaker expressed reservations about the procedural acceptability of eight of them. After explaining why he felt these motions were out of order, the Speaker indicated that he would be prepared to hear arguments in support of the motions before making a final decision.


Are these motions acceptable?


They are out of order.

Reasons given by the Speaker

Two of the motions (2 and 9) introduce a new concept into the bill and the clauses of the bill which they seek to amend.

Five of the remaining motions (34, 35, 36, 43 and 45) which relate to a sixth (40) also introduce an entirely new concept, the establishment of an eighteen-member refugee claims board. Moreover, the proposal is not supported by a Royal Recommendation.