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M-14 Environmental protection and regulatory regime

42nd Parliament, 1st Session

Motion Text

That, in the opinion of the House, the government should work to repair and reform Canada's environmental protection and regulatory regime, and that such reforms should include: (a) repealing the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act (formerly known as Bill C-38) so as to (i) amend the Fisheries Act to restore habitat protection and reverse administrative changes to the interpretation of "deleterious to fish", (ii) amend the National Energy Board Act to restore the application of Species at Risk, Navigable Waters Protection and Fisheries Acts to the regulation of pipeline routes, (iii) restore the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency as the sole agency responsible for overseeing environmental reviews, (iv) restore the National Round Table on Environment and Economy; (b) repealing the Jobs and Growth Act, 2012 (formerly known as Bill C-45) in order to protect any and all navigable Canadian waters by restoring the Navigable Waters Protection Act; (c) restoring funding to the Canadian Environmental Network; (d) restoring the ecoENERGY Retrofit-Homes program; (e) with respect to our National Parks, (i) re-affirming the guiding principle of the National Parks Act to protect ecological integrity, restore research funding and monitoring for ecological integrity to Parks Canada, and amend the Rouge National Urban Parks Act to restore the principle of ecological integrity, (ii) amending the Act to amend the Canada National Parks Act and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act and to make consequential amendments to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, in such a manner as to remove the role of the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board as a regulator within the park and to ban any and all seismic testing, drilling or industrial activity from ever taking place in the park, (iii) cancelling any and all plans to further privatize within national parks; and (f) reinvesting in climate and environmental sciences by restoring programming and funding to include (i) the Canadian Climate Forum (formerly the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences), (ii) the Polar Environmental Atmospheric Research Laboratory, (iii) the Marine Mammals Contaminants Programme, (iv) testing of smokestacks for air quality, (v) ozone-layer testing, (vi) freshwater science, (vii) the Experimental Lakes Area.

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Monday, December 7, 2015
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Monday, December 7, 2015
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