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M-183 Jewish and Palestinian refugees

41st Parliament, 1st Session

Motion Text

That, in the opinion of the House, the government should: (a) work to ensure appropriate recognition in the Middle East peace and justice narrative of the “forgotten exodus” of 850,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries; (b) provide that remedies for victim refugee groups as mandated under international human rights and humanitarian law, including rights of remembrance, truth, justice and redress, be invoked for Jewish refugees from Arab countries; (c) call upon the United Nations (UN) General Assembly to include reference to Jewish refugees as well as Palestinian refugees in its annual resolutions; (d) call upon the UN Human Rights Council to address the issue of Jewish as well as Palestinian refugees; (e) call upon UN agencies dealing with compensatory efforts for Palestinian refugees to also address Jewish refugees from Arab countries; (f) work to transform the annual November 29 commemoration by the UN of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People into an International Day of Solidarity for a Two-State Solution for Two Peoples, Jewish and Arab, as the initial UN 1947 Partition Resolution intended; and (e) ensure that that any reference to Palestinian refugees be paralleled by a reference to Jewish refugees from Arab countries during any and all discussions on the Middle East by the Quartet and others.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013
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Monday, June 6, 2011
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Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Reinstated in the Next Session