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HESA Committee Report

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Bill C-277, An Act providing for the development of a framework on palliative care in Canada
In accordance with its Order of Reference of Tuesday, January 31, 2017, your Committee has considered Bill C-277, An Act providing for the development of a framework on palliative care in Canada, and agreed on Tuesday, March 21, 2017, to report it with the following amendments:

Clause 2

That Bill C-277, in Clause 2, be amended by:

“(a) replacing lines 21 and 22 on page 1 with the following:

care providers, develop a framework designed to support improved access for Canadians to palliative care — pro-

(b) replacing lines 11 to 19 on page 2 with the following:

(f) takes into consideration existing palliative care frameworks, strategies and best practices.

(2) The Minister must initiate the consultations referred to in subsection (1) within six months after the day on which this Act comes into force”.

That Bill C-277, in Clause 2, be amended by replacing line 5 on page 2 with the following:

“tion needs of health care providers as well as other caregivers;”

That Bill C-277, in Clause 2, be amended by replacing, in the English version, lines 6 and 7 on page 2 with the following:

“(c) identifies measures to support palliative care providers;”

That Bill C-277, in Clause 2, be amended by replacing line 8 on page 2 with the following:

“(d) promotes research and collection of data on palliative care;”

That Bill C-277, in Clause 2, be amended by adding after line 14 on page 2 the following:

“(g) evaluates the advisability of re-establishing the Department of Health’s Secretariat on Palliative and End-of-Life Care.”

Clause 4

That Bill C-277, on page 2, be amended by replacing the heading before Clause 4 and, in Clause 4, lines 27 to 33 with the following:

“State of Palliative Care in Canada

4 (1) Within five years after the day on which the report referred to in section 3 is tabled in Parliament, the Minister of Health must prepare a report on the state of palliative care in Canada, and cause the report to be laid before each House of Parliament”

Your Committee has ordered a reprint of Bill C-277, as amended, as a working copy for the use of the House of Commons at the report stage.
A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 44 to 46) is tabled.