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FINA Committee Related Document

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K1A 0A6

OTTAWA, Friday, May 21, 2004

Subject: The 2004 pre-budget consultations
The House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance will be holding public hearings on the 2004 pre-budget consultations from Monday September 27 to Friday November 5, 2004. There will be hearings in Ottawa from Monday, September 27 to Friday October 8, and from Monday November 1st to Friday, November 5 and the Committee will be travelling during the weeks of October 18 and October 25 (see appended plan for hearings . The main themes that the Committee would like to discuss are enclosed.

The Committee will also be proceeding with a pilot project, by holding two Town Hall meetings in Saskatoon, on Thursday, October 23 and in St-John’s on Monday, October 25. More information on these meetings, which will be televised on CPAC, will be available on due course.

Should an election be called, the Clerk of the Committee has been mandated to tentatively organize the public hearings.

If you would like to participate in the pre-budget consultations this Fall, I invite you to submit a written brief no later than Monday, September 7, 2004. The name, address and phone number of the association, organization or individual making the submission must be listed clearly on the title page. We would also like you to advise us no later than Friday, August 6, whether you intend either to submit a brief, or to submit a brief and to appear before the Committee, indicating the city of your choice.

Briefs must be sent to:

Richard Dupuis , Clerk
Standing Committee on Finance
Room 673, Wellington Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

In order to facilitate and expedite the translation and distribution process, you are encouraged to send your brief and indicate your intentions by e-mail to the following address: Information will be updated regularly on our Web site at

In your e-mail, please indicate the following:

PBC 2004: the name of your Association; the name of the city where you wish to appear:

Example: PBC 2004: Go Transit; Victoria.

We will attempt to hear from the largest possible number of witnesses in the time available to us.

As in the past, your participation is essential to the success of the consultations, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Roy Cullen, M.P.
Etobicoke North, Ont.