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Table of Contents


At the start of every session of Parliament, the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel of the House of Commons is required, under Standing Order 153 of the Standing Orders of the House of Commons, to prepare the List of Reports and Returns.

    153. [List of documents to be tabled.] At the commencement of every session of Parliament, the Law Clerk of the House shall make available to each Member, in printed or electronic form, a list of the reports or other periodical statements which it is the duty of any officer or department of the government, or any bank or other corporate body to make to the House, referring to the Act or resolution, and page of the volume of the laws or Journals wherein the same may be ordered; and placing under the name of each officer or corporation a list of reports or returns required to be made, and the time when the report or periodical statements may be expected.

The Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel of the House of Commons therefore prepares and publishes the List of Reports and Returns.

That List brings together in one convenient location the reports and other documents that must be tabled in the House of Commons under the federal statutes in force on March 5, 2010. The List of Reports and Returns does not indicate whether a particular document has been tabled in a timely manner. It simply identifies the document until Parliament has repealed the statutory provision that requires it to be tabled.

Most of the documents are to be filed by a minister. The List of Reports and Returns sets out each minister in alphabetical order based on how the minister is identified in the statutory provision that requires the report to be tabled. For additional information on a particular report, please contact the minister responsible for tabling the report.

For the convenience of Members of Parliament and other users of the List of Reports and Returns, we have also included documents that are to be tabled by parliamentary committees and various House officials, including the Speaker. The reports of the Registrar General of Canada are listed with the reports of the Minister of Industry because, under subsection 2(3) of the Department of Industry Act, the Minister of Industry is the Registrar General of Canada. All reports to be tabled by ministers and secretaries of State are grouped together under the heading "STATE, Ministers of". If a statute does not name a specific minister, the document is found under the name of the minister who is responsible for the statute according to the Table of Public Statutes and Responsible Ministers.

Beginning with the First Session of the 38th Parliament, the List of Reports and Returns included a schedule entitled "LIST OF REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS ALREADY TABLED ― ONE-TIME LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENT". In the List of Reports and Returns for the First Session of the 39th Parliament, the schedule was divided into two parts entitled "one-time legislative requirement" and "spent legislative requirement". The first part of the schedule sets out the reports and other documents that have been tabled under a one-time statutory requirement and that do not need to be tabled again (see section 20 of the Interpretation Act, R.S., c. I‑21). The second part lists the reports and other documents that have been tabled over a period of time under a statutory provision but that no longer need to be tabled because the requirement is now spent. For ease of reference, these reports and documents have been listed separately from those for which the tabling requirement is ongoing.

The information relating to each document is presented in four columns, as in the following example:

Canadian International Trade Tribunal1




—   Annual report: activities of the Tribunal2

On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the report is submitted to the Minister3 (within three months after the end of each fiscal year)4

   8560 5535

International Trade
Tribunal Act
R.S., 1985, c. 47
(4th Supp.), s. 42

1      Relevant officer, government department, bank or other corporate body

2      Description of the document to be tabled

3      When document is to be tabled

4      When document is to be prepared

5      Sessional paper number

6      Statutory authority under which the document is to be tabled (contains the reference to the original statutory authority and to the amendments related to that authority)

When a tabling requirement is not in force, the entire entry is shaded and the notation "not in force" appears in the "Authority" column, as in the following example:

—   Annual report: activities of the Institute

Within the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the day on which the Minister has received it (within four months after the end of March of each year)


Canadian Heritage
Languages Institute

1991, c. 7, s. 25(2)
(not in force)

The statutory requirement to table a report has, in some cases, been discontinued by the Governor in Council. Section 157 of the Financial Administration Act authorizes the Governor in Council to order that a document be discontinued if the Governor in Council is satisfied that the document contains the same information as or less information than is contained in the Public Accounts. When a document is discontinued in this way, it appears as follows:

—   Annual report

To be included in the Minister's annual report to Parliament as a separate part thereof


Statistics Act
R.S., 1985, c. S-19,
s. 4(3)

Discontinued in 1994 — now included in the Industry Performance Report (SI/94-34)

To date, the Governor in Council has made six orders directing that certain documents be discontinued:

Order Directing that Certain Documents be Discontinued
SI/2005-50, C. Gaz. 2005.II.1353
SI/2003-146, C. Gaz. 2003.II.2383
SI/2000-90, C. Gaz. 2000.II.2351
SI/99-130, C. Gaz. 1999.II.2540
SI/94-34, C. Gaz. 1994.II.1708
SI/93-30, C. Gaz. 1993.II.1135

Any comments or suggestions concerning the List of Reports and Returns should be directed to:

Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel
House of Commons
131 Queen Street ― Room 7-02
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Tel.: 613-995-7985 or 613-947-6569
Fax: 613-947-8198

The List of Reports and Returns may be consulted at the following electronic address:



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