Knowledge Sources and Flows

            The Committee has thus far provided a simple definition of an "innovation system" and has, in passing, mentioned it both in terms of the national and local context — in the case of the latter, more formally referred to as a geographically based sectoral cluster. Clarity demands more precision from the Committee and, indeed, it is now time to put "a little flesh on these bare bones."

Figure 3.1

Economic Elements of an Innovation Cluster
ch3fig1.gif (75098 bytes)

Source: National Research Council of Canada and Library of Parliament.

            The Committee will not diverge from the term "innovation system" as provided by the experts appearing before it. The Canadian innovation system — a term used to describe both our S&T institutions and their various linkages — creates, disseminates and exploits the knowledge that fuels a productive economy, which, in turn, makes a prosperous society possible. To function effectively and to realize these social objectives, this system depends on the complementary strengths of three key sectors: the private sector, universities and other not-for-profit institutions, and governments. Each of these sectors has a unique role to play in the system but, in terms of the federal government, it has subsequently identified and assigned itself a dual role of performer and facilitator of research. It fulfils these roles both by performing research, using intramural capabilities and facilities, and by funding extramural research and fostering partnerships among the various research-performing sectors. As such, innovation systems are essentially national in orientation because national institutions finance and equip them, but they are largely organized and executed at the local level. Canada’s national innovation system thus comprises a number of geographically concentrated sectoral clusters devoted to innovation. Such clusters have several economic elements (see Figure 3.1).


Figure 3.2

Canada’s Innovation System
ch3fig2.gif (17384 bytes)

Source: Thomas Brzustowski, NSERC; Statistics Canada, Library of Parliament.

            The Committee was provided a series of detailed diagrammatic representations of Canada’s innovation system and its various components and linkages. Though this personal project of Dr. Thomas Brzustowski was described as a "work in process," it is already sufficiently complete and accurate in portraying important parts of Canada’s innovation system for the purposes of this Committee. With the modifications made by the Committee, the average layperson should equally find the next three diagrams both insightful and quite self-explanatory.

            Beginning with Figure 3.2, a slightly modified version of that presented to the Committee, Canada’s innovation system is situated in an environment that is best characterized by five flows of knowledge. These sources embody knowledge differently and make distinctive contributions to the Canadian society and the world. The sizes of these arrows try to capture the relative sizes of flows of the different sources of knowledge in 2001, though not exactly (percentages are indicative of the relative inflow-to-outflow of the source, where information is available). The five flows of knowledge are: (1) codified knowledge; (2) tacit knowledge of migrants; (3) tacit knowledge found in foreign direct investment (mostly by multinational enterprises (MNEs)); (4) innovations; and (5) commodities. The last two knowledge flows are found in products and services, which are broadly distinguished by their relative availability from various sources and principal price-determining mechanisms, such as price-setting in the case of innovations and price-taking in the case of commodities.

            The first flow of new knowledge, codified knowledge found in books, academic and trade journals, manuals, etc., results from research that Canadian residents undertake. Canadian universities, Canadian government labs and Canadian industry are responsible for about 4% of this knowledge, so the lion’s share of about 96% of new knowledge arising from original research comes from elsewhere in the world. In this context, research is defined as original research and, therefore, does not include, for example, the knowledge a student obtains from his research efforts at a library.

            Although it is generally argued that this knowledge is a public good in the original sense of the term — there is no rivalry in its consumption and, therefore, one’s use of it does not prevent someone else from using it as well — a pre-existing stock of knowledge is required for any novel addition to be of any use.

The interesting thing about knowledge, of course, is that if there is a supply of new knowledge out there, the fact that you’re using it doesn’t make it any less available for somebody else. ... But to get at it you need to understand it. If you don’t understand it, the book is closed. It’s not accessible. [Thomas Brzustowski; 4, 9:15]

            Moreover, a basic understanding of the new knowledge is only one element of the value-creating equation. A solid innovation infrastructure is also required to put this new knowledge to work:

[K]nowledge is a global resource. Of course it’s extremely important to make sure that we have a strong innovation infrastructure here in Canada, but it’s also important to focus on the ability of Canadian companies to access knowledge, access skills, access technology from around the world. [Jayson Myers; 13, 9:35]

            There are also two sources of tacit knowledge: one embodied in the in- and out-bound direct investments of MNEs, the other embodied in people. In terms of the first source, knowledge is embodied in the capital machinery and equipment, the blueprints of the plant layout, and in the organizational structure of an MNE or a domestic company that licenses, franchises, subcontracts, sells or allies with foreign companies. Canada has historically been a net importer of foreign direct investments (FDI), but since 1997 has become a net exporter of direct investment (i.e. flows, not stocks). In terms of the second source, it was summed up by one expert:

We also have flows of … "tacit" knowledge, the knowledge that people have in their heads and in their hands, which they bring with them. They bring it with them when they immigrate to Canada. They take it with them when they emigrate from Canada. [Thomas Brzustowski; 4, 9:10]

            It is widely known that Canada has been a destination of net migrant flows of people since before its confederation, but what is not always recognized is that the knowledge content of immigrant-emigrant flows has always favoured Canada. More knowledge, as indicated by the years of schooling and diplomas/degrees obtained, enters Canada than leaves Canada each year. The so-called "brain drain" is decidedly smaller than the "brain gain," though care should be taken when using even the official data because the schooling systems and the quality content of their grading classifications are not equivalent around the world. Moreover, not all highly educated immigrants to Canada qualify for employment in their area of expertise according to the professional licensing boards, thus leading to the newly-coined "brain waste" category.

There’s one more flow of highly qualified people … These are people who come in and who are not allowed by various restrictions to practise their professions in this country. If there’s brain drain, there’s also brain waste, and this is it. [Thomas Brzustowski; 4, 9:15]

            Finally, products and services embody knowledge. They can be divided into commodities and innovations. Commodities are defined as those products and services that are widely available from a number of sources on like terms and conditions (i.e., somewhat equal functionality and quality). Consequently, their producers are price-takers in competitive markets (and sometimes quasi-price-takers in regulated markets in terms of telephone, cable television, railway, airline, banking, insurance, auto leasing products and services, etc.). Innovations are defined as products and services that are not commodities. They are available from only a limited number of sources, often not on the same terms and conditions. For example, videoconferencing services are a recent innovation, but a VCR, while being an innovation in the 1980s, is no longer considered as such. New fashion apparel is an innovation, paradoxically even when it may in part be a copycat version from a previous generation. A telephone directory, while usually considered by most as a commodity to the extent of being an almost stale product or service (except for update portions), when first made available on the Internet was an innovation. Time thus eclipses most innovations, turning them into commodities, and the novelty of their embodied knowledge ages with them.

The Government-University-Industry Research Triangle

            Moving from the general to the specific, Figure 3.3 identifies important flows entwined in the Government-University-Industry research triangle (the colour scheme of flows as represented by arrows matches that of Figure 3.2 and 3.4 and, in this case, blue represents codified knowledge and mauve indicates an investment). Beginning with research undertaken at government laboratories, some of this activity is conducted under contract to provide solutions to specific problems that have been defined by the sponsoring company. University research also engages in this activity, sometimes further supported by government grants. There is also a flow of discoveries and inventions from both government and university research labs to industry, with the accompanying potential or actual intellectual property. R&D assistance often takes the forms of both knowledge and financial support, particularly to small and medium-size businesses (i.e. IRAP — Industrial Research Assistance Program).

Figure 3.3

The Government-University-Industry Research Triangle

ch3fig3.gif (11748 bytes)

Source: Thomas Brzustowski, NSERC; Library of Parliament.


            University research sometimes receives support from industry, both "in cash" and "in kind," that often includes proprietary knowledge held by industry. Government research also provides standards and certification, often addressing issues such as drug approval, automobile safety, building codes, "green" labelling, etc. Finally, there is also an active interchange of knowledge among university and government researchers, often with complementary objectives and facilities.

The Natural Science and Engineering Innovation System in Canada

            Although quite intricate, the Government-University-Industry research triangle does not completely capture Canada’s innovation system; much more is involved and considerably more details are needed to fully appreciate the complexity and sophistication of the institutions engaged in innovation and their inter-relationships. Indeed, Canada’s innovation system has many dynamic participants who are involved in innovation in a variety of ways. For example, at the federal level, there are the research councils and laboratories, granting councils, centres of excellence, and the many departmental policy and program branches. Provincial governments, universities, hospital research units and other publicly funded research institutes are important elements of the system as well. Many major firms also perform R&D, particularly in the telecommunications, pharmaceutical, aerospace, energy, minerals and forest products sectors. As Canada’s Secretary of State for Science and Technology put it:

We have excellent universities and the federal granting councils are working to support our young researchers throughout the country. The Canada Foundation for Innovation gives them access to state of the art equipment. … Through such programs as the Networks of Centres of Excellence, the councils also have a significant track record as enablers in building long term, productive partnerships between the university community and the private sector.

[The Honourable Gilbert Normand; 9, 9:10-9:15]

            In Figure 3.4, the Committee tries to better capture this system as it relates to science and engineering disciplines (colour schemes of arrows remain the same as in Figures 3.2 and 3.3; system actors and organizations are identified by ovals, while specific innovation activities are represented by rectangles); there are obviously other innovation institutions and linkages outside of these disciplines. As an additional caveat, the system portrayed here is not comprehensive; some R&D performers, linkages and relationships, even within the above two disciplines, remain obscure or are not complete.

Figure 3.4

University Research in Science and Engineering
ch3fig4.gif (19029 bytes)

Source: Thomas Brzustowski, NSERC, Library of Parliament.

            The university, while being funded largely by the provinces and secondarily by students, maintains research labs and directly and indirectly finances both basic and project research. Federal government contributions by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) for infrastructure and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) to students and research teams for basic and project or applied research are also pivotal. The Committee refers to one witness’ distinction between these two types of research activities:

Basic research is research carried on to make discoveries about nature,… about our position in nature. Project research is research done to solve problems, very often from industry but sometimes from government, that can’t be solved with the knowledge we have today. So you have to create some knowledge to solve the problem. That’s done very differently from basic research.

[Thomas Brzustowski; 4, 9:25]

Their motivations are sometimes different as well:

A great deal of research is done with no commercial end in mind whatsoever. In fact, I would say all basic research is done with no commercial end in mind ... Research in all areas of the environment is in that category, research that studies natural hazards and turns them into manageable risks for people, huge areas of research that have absolutely nothing in the way of commercial goals. [Thomas Brzustowski; 4, 10:05]

Most codified knowledge comes from basic research, though project research is also a source:

The codified knowledge, the contribution to the Canadian 4%, comes largely out of basic research but not entirely. Some of it comes out of project research. Some of it flows back to the sponsoring companies in the form of solutions to their problems. These may be reports, these may be patents, or these may be software, but another stream … is discoveries or inventions that have the potential to become innovations, the potential to be commercialized as new products on the market. It’s not a large proportion. They enter first stages of commercialization in the universities, and they can go either as a licence to an existing firm or the basis of a start-up. Then the flows of innovation follow from that.

[Thomas Brzustowski; 4, 9:30]

            Sometimes firms that do or buy R&D also share in the direct costs of specific project research at university labs; in this case, they provide the problems and the research unit provides the solutions, both of which are classified as knowledge. This codified knowledge (once recognized and demonstrated) could lead to intellectual property and the beginnings of the commercialization process, which is largely financed by private industry. At the same time, as important as knowing a firm’s place in Canada’s innovation system, one must also understand a firm’s innovation processes.

We found that innovation depends both upon internally generated knowledge and knowledge that’s acquired from outside the firm. Innovation processes fed from multiple sources, some internal to the firm, others external. Ideas for new and improved products and processes are generated in the course of market transactions with clients and suppliers, with related and unrelated firms, and with other external sources. Ideas for new market opportunities are seized and adapted to a firm’s advantage by its management, research department, marketing, and engineering personnel in the firm. The innovation process then depends upon many actors. [John Baldwin; 13, 9:15]

            These innovation processes across firms are not the same, however. Three classes or types of innovation systems used by industry were identified:

There are effectively three clusters of firm types that combine external links with internal capabilities. The first two groups rely on R&D. One builds networks with market partners; the other relies more on its extensive internal resources, and develops a capacity to ingest outside sources of knowledge by combining internal R&D expertise with spillovers of outside knowledge derived from research institutes. But there is a third cluster that’s important in Canada, an alternative to the R&D-based model. It consists of those who focus on internal engineering capabilities and production expertise, and combined this with knowledge spillovers from universities. Universities appear to be an important part of the innovation process, in particular, when it comes to supporting applied research. In summary, the knowledge production process associated with innovation, relies heavily, but not exclusively, on R&D. [John Baldwin; 13, 9:15]

            The outputs of these processes are usually the inputs of R&D firms and innovation start-ups, the ones who introduce new production processes, products or services to the marketplace. This relationship between R&D firms and innovation start-ups is often a tricky one, as it was explained as an organizational solution to some internal frictions within the firm, sometimes between production and sales divisions:

[T]he start-up enters the commercialization process … and might produce successful innovations in the market. But there’s a new touch. … Quite often a company, maybe the same company that had been the partner, will buy this start-up and the mature technology. … They do this to get around their own internal frictions. This is in the area of destructive innovations versus sustaining innovations. … You can put yourself inside a company and understand how this happens. For instance, the vice-president of sales will say, "We can’t develop this. You’re going to have my salesmen go out there and say to the clients, to whom we’ve been saying, "This is the best thing in the world," that it’s the second-best thing now because we have the best thing coming right behind it? We can’t do that. We’re already profitable in this line. We’ve made our investments. This is what the clients want. Why should we develop it?" So they put it into a spin-off. But once it’s a product ready for the market, they can buy it and say, "We’ve just expanded our product line." [Thomas Brzustowski; 4, 9:40]

            In any event, the innovations emanating from these firms make for new value-added economic activity. However, not all innovations make it off-the-shelf and not all innovations introduced to the market are successful. Failures are numerous.

[T]here are also failures to get to market and failures in the market. In addition, very often the company will simply not try to market a piece of intellectual property at all. It doesn’t fit with its strategy. It might be too expensive, or it might be too far from its core line of business, so they create a start-up. Sometimes that happens not at the beginning of the commercialization process but partway through it. Sometimes a product is developed that is put on the shelf for strategic reasons: "Hey, we can’t have this thing competing with our mainline product, which is making so much money. As long as the competition doesn’t come up with something similar, we’ll just keep this one on the shelf." [Thomas Brzustowski; 4, 9:40]

            The successful innovations make for new value-added economic activity, which provides a return on investment to the innovative firm and generates taxes that flow back to both federal and provincial governments that may have even participated in the R&D impulse in the first place. Many highly skilled, high-paying jobs are created in the process. If governments are both wise and thorough in the research activities they conduct or help finance, and selectively and judiciously invest in "innovation infrastructure" so as to minimize systemic impediments, Canada’s innovation system should operate effectively and efficiently, whereby the spillover effects of both basic and project research will payoff handsomely. The Committee, therefore, recommends:

3. That the Government of Canada adopt science and technology policies to strengthen the components of the country’s innovation system and to improve the linkages between its components.