Towards a Knowledge-based Society

            Beginning in the latter half of the nineteenth century, after substantial public investments had been made in railway and telegraph networks, large and more complex industrial organizations began to appear in Canada and elsewhere around the world. New advances in applied science, the increasing division of labour, and the emergence of a new managerial class promoted the growth of the modern industrial complex, as the corporation began to spread its activities both horizontally and vertically. These new technologies dictated massive investments in capital, as well as a commitment to building integrated production operations extending both backward into core raw material supplies and forward into marketing and distribution networks. In this way the corporation, bolstered by new financial instruments for funding growth, could realize the inherent economies of scale and scope in the new production methods, while securing the necessary returns on investment (i.e., organizational integration eliminated many hold-up problems in the value-creating chain).

            The exploitation of these scale economies provided a great source of prosperity and, in fact, complemented the wealth creation that followed from the efficiencies obtained through industrial specialization with the opening up of international trade since the Middle Ages. Indeed, the new production processes emerging from the so-called Industrial Revolution led to the creation of many new industries at the same time as they considerably transformed many old industries. Unfortunately, the good came with the bad. The unprecedented cost advantages bestowed on large-scale operations benefited those who were first to transform their businesses in conformity with the new economic realities, while vanquishing the remainder. This provides us with a stark lesson on the importance of the business sector remaining nimble and flexible in face of profound social change.

            In a sense of déja vu, yet another profound societal revolution is in progress that offers us as many economic opportunities and challenges, if not more, than did the Industrial Revolution. Today’s source of societal change is characterized by the vast and substantive breakthroughs in science that have boosted rates of technical progress — manifest in both products and production technologies — over the past decade. These changes have accumulated in such numbers that people have seen fit to coin this transition period to a knowledge-based society as an Information Revolution; information technologies being the precursor of many further and far more advanced technological leaps forward to undoubtedly follow.

            Knowledge, or "human capital," is the currency of these productivity gains, not physical capital or financial size or might, as dominated an industrial economy. Corporate managers, now under pressure to raise productivity through innovation rather than through economies of scale, have thus focused on designing lean production capabilities by downsizing their core activities; non-core functions and sub-assembly activities are today being out-sourced. The modern firm has also strived to de-layer its management hierarchies and replace them with multidisciplinary teams that take advantage of the diverse skill sets of its workforce. The successful business enterprise in this environment must therefore make sure that it out-sources peripheral capacity rather than knowledge; which, given its distinctive and "footloose" character, must vigilantly be sought, combined, integrated and maintained. This is the modern-day lesson that cannot be forgotten in the transition to a knowledge-based economy.

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            From the perspective of the country, rather than the firm or industry, the production, diffusion and use of information and technology are key to achieving sustainable growth in a knowledge-based economy. Not surprisingly, we are witnessing firms and individuals spending more and more resources on producing knowledge. For example, Figure 1.1 demonstrates that investment in knowledge, defined narrowly, now represents 7.9% of OECD-wide GDP. Canada fares well on this score — investing about one percentage point more per year than does the typical OECD country — despite being a traditional laggard in terms of R&D activity levels. When we include private expenditures on education and training as an investment in knowledge, this figure would exceed 10% across the OECD.

[K]nowledge is generated … in a number of forms. It does arise from the results of scientific research and experimental development. It is embodied in new technology. But this is not all of the knowledge that’s important today in an innovative economy. Problem solving and the creative capacity of the workforce is also extremely important. The experience and technical skills of the workforce and the experience of management are also extremely important. [Jayson Myers, Alliance of Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters; 13, 9:35]

            Whether defined narrowly or broadly, this investment in knowledge remains less than half that invested in physical capital (see Figure 1.2), but now rivals investment in machinery and equipment, which was 8.6% per annum in 1995; though it should be understood that machinery and equipment, particularly that which is new and state-of-the-art, also embodies substantial knowledge. Nevertheless, when comparing Figures 1.1 and 1.2, it is evident that Canada has done a relatively better job in investing in knowledge than in physical capital in comparison to other OECD countries. If there is weakness, it lies in our R&D activity levels. The Committee recommends:

1. That the Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development) design a new composite indicator of a country’s investment in knowledge that goes beyond the current Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development definition that includes education, research and development, and software. This should enable us to rank Canada amongst comparable countries of the world.

Innovation in a Knowledge-based Economy

            With any revolution, whether industrial or informational, new products, technologies, firms and industries are created in relatively short order. A so-called "new economy" emerges, but its counterpart, the "old economy," which is composed of traditional industrial activities, does not simply fade away with time. The technical opportunities and challenges confronting these traditional industries vary and those that successfully respond carry on, although their activities will invariably change, both in their type and in the way they are organized. Obviously, those firms and industries that do not respond adequately to the challenge fail. For this reason, the Committee agrees with Dr. Baldwin that:

It’s inappropriate … to think about the world as divided up into that new knowledge-based economy, and by inference the old economy. There’s innovation taking place in every industry. [John Baldwin, Statistics Canada; 13, 9:11]

            As any new knowledge will be useful in differing ways and amounts to different industries, technological winners and losers within and between various industries will emerge. The Committee was provided with some early results, as provided by several Statistics Canada studies and surveys. It appears that a large proportion of innovations are created in a few core industries such as the chemical, electronic, machinery, and instruments industries. Indeed, firms in this core sector are twice as likely to report innovations as firms in the other sectors.

            The opportunities for innovation also vary across the spectrum of firm sizes, ownership nationality, and the degree of international market penetration — each forcing different methods of adaptation. For example, there is considerable specialization of function across different actors in the innovation process. The smallest firms report innovations at about half the rate of the largest ones, but they tend to be part of some innovation network involving large firms. The rate of innovation by multinational firms was considerably greater than for purely domestic firms. However, if domestic firms are also exporters, then they tend to innovate just as much as foreign-owned multinationals.

Innovation within the business sector has taken two general forms:

Innovations on the process side can be aimed at exploiting scale economies, or they can be directed primarily at improving the flexibility of the production process — by reducing economies of volume at a production line, by allowing the quick changeover of products, or by facilitating the more rapid customization of products. We find that the innovation process in Canada has its greatest impact on a firm’s ability to respond flexibly to customer needs. [John Baldwin; 13, 9:15]

            Given the lack of pricing freedom with increasing foreign competition, either innovation strategy has become increasingly important:

Few companies today can afford, or have the luxury, to be able to pass higher production costs along to their customers in the form of higher prices. In fact, if you look back over the last 10 or 11 years since 1989, manufacturers’ selling prices have on average increased by only about 20% … That’s less than 2% per year. Yet there aren’t very many costs of production that have increased by only that amount. Direct labour costs have increased by 45%. Costs of material have gone up by 52%. Energy costs have more than doubled and in fact have gone up by about 140% … much of that over the past couple of years. Capital costs have also increased by about 36%. [Jayson Myers; 13, 9:40]

            Although not without its difficulties in implementation, the solution to this perennial business conundrum is relatively straightforward:

The only way that companies can survive this cost squeeze is to increase productivity — in other words, to produce more of value for the value of inputs coming in to production. … They’ve been aiming to lower their unit production cost by removing overhead in almost every form possible, not only in inventories and non-core business activities but also by reducing waste, by reducing the time to manufacture and get the product to market, by reducing the space it takes to manufacture. In that process, automation and new business practices have been key. That’s where knowledge feeds into that process. [Jayson Myers; 13, 9:40]

            Finally, the mere activity of innovation is itself biased in terms of labour requirements and aptitudes. Statistics Canada reports that innovation has tended to increase the demand for white-collar workers relative to blue-collar workers. Though this is not surprising, as we are constantly reminded that the quintessential resource of today’s knowledge-based economy is human capital and explains the high rate of investment in education.

S&T Contributions to Innovation

            Most people understand that R&D activities contribute to economic growth through the application of new technical knowledge to the development of new products and processes. These are the direct economic benefits of R&D. Industry advocates were quick to remind the Committee of this impact:

[T]he objective of science and technology policy should be to help encourage the translation of knowledge into value of some sort. Knowledge is fine for knowledge’s sake, but if we’re looking at contribution to the knowledge-based economy, what is important at the end of the day is how that knowledge is used.

[Jayson Myers; 13, 9:30]

They were also confident to predict a future very different from what we see today:

Manufacturing itself is changing around the world. We’re going to see manufacturing that is based more on science — the science of machining, the science of materials, as well as the science of business organization and management, and new and revolutionary enabling technologies. We’ve seen the impact of information technology. Wait until you see the impact of where that’s going with artificial intelligence, nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, micromachining, and new advanced sensors and materials. This is really going to revolutionize not only manufacturing but also the products we have, as well as the organization of manufacturing business. [Jayson Myers; 13, 9:45]


            Industry advocates also well understand that the benefits of R&D transcend the strict needs of the business community. Social objectives are important too.

            However, R&D also has indirect benefits that probably far outweigh these direct benefits over the longer term. These indirect benefits would include: increased competencies developed by researchers and other people related to the research process; and improvements in the "innovation system," in part the result of more expertise and interaction amongst those working within this system. While these resources remain inputs to the innovation process, one witness clearly recognized them as outputs of R&D as well:

The outputs? Highly qualified people, real knowledge workers, people who are educated in basic research know the sources of knowledge around the world. … They understand what’s being done. They know who are the people producing it, and they have networked with people of their own generation. ... But you also have highly skilled people being educated in project research. They can go to work in any sector, but they’re particularly valuable to the companies that have been partners in supporting project research. These are students who know the business of those companies. [Thomas Brzustowski, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; 4, 9:30]

More specific R&D contributions to the economy were studied and reported:

We find … that the R&D process does indeed lead to innovation. Those firms that are doing R&D are far more likely to report innovations and the probability of this occurrence is relatively large. But we also find that the Canadian innovation system depends heavily on engineering knowledge and an ability to adapt advanced technology to production in Canada. In this vein, foreign multinationals play an important role since they provide a mechanism that allows for the licensing of technology transfer on a continuous basis. Other activities are combined with R&D facilities. Sometimes as complements, sometimes as alternatives.

[John Baldwin; 13, 9:20]

            The data also suggest that being an R&D performer increases the probability of a firm reporting an innovation from about 10% to 40%. Furthermore, placing a heavy emphasis on technology, the production and engineering side of the firm, also increases the probability of a firm being an innovator by about the same number of percentage points according to Dr. John Baldwin of Statistics Canada.

            These results are significant enough to make it worthwhile for the Committee to spend some time finding out where Canadian industry stacks up against the rest of the world in terms of R&D. Here, as noted above, the evidence is not encouraging:

Canada does not lead most OECD countries in terms of R&D spending as a function of gross output. This is not because firms ignore the R&D function in Canada. … While the R&D statistics show that over two-thirds were conducting some form of R&D, most of this activity was done only on an occasional basis. Far fewer firms conducted R&D on an ongoing basis, and even fewer conducted R&D on an ongoing basis in a dedicated facility. [John Baldwin; 13, 9:20]

            A relatively small group of innovators and specialized R&D performers thus characterize the Canadian economy and hand-in-hand with this structure is the development of research networks.

            The Committee finds this situation a bit disturbing. When we combine the fact that Canada is importing most of its technological advances, rather than developing them here at home, thereby deriving the above-mentioned direct benefits of R&D, Canada is not fully capturing the many indirect benefits of R&D. This suggests that "freeloading" off foreign R&D is not in fact free; Canada pays in the form of lower value-added activities and lower skilled, lower paying job opportunities. Canadian industry is actually being stunted when not fully engaging in R&D, the primary input to innovation. Indeed, if we are as a country going to make a successful transition to a knowledge-based society, an "innovation culture" must be established in Canada. Attitudes must change:

The "culture of innovation" is not a commodity that can be purchased. It is acquired through action, participation and the collective will to succeed. It is to be hoped that the private sector, for its part, will follow the government’s example and participate actively in our culture of innovation. The future of all Canadians, our collective well-being and our national pride depend on it. This explains our current efforts urging the private sector to join us in investing in research.

[The Honourable Gilbert Normand, Secretary of State; 9, 9:10]

The Committee concurs and believes this report’s recommendations will in fact inspire and promote a progressive innovation culture within Canada.