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List of Witnesses

Meetings in Cambridge, United Kingdom, Oslo, and
Tromsø, Norway, Stockholm, Sweden and
Copenhagen, Denmark - November 4-8, 1996

Associations and Individuals



Scott Polar Research Institute (Cambridge University)

November 4, 1996

John Heap, Director

David MacDonald, Chief Geologist, Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme

Rab MacKenzie, Polar Regions Section, U.K., Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Mark Nuttall, Aberdeen University

Gareth Rhys, Scott Polar Research Institute, Remote sensing

David Scrivener, Keele University

Peter Williams, Carleton University

World Conservatory Monitoring Centre

November 4, 1996

Jerry Harrison, Public Relations Officer

Richard Luxmore, Head of Habitats Unit

Jonathan Rhind, Technical Officer

Christopher Zöckler, Arctic Research Fellow

OSLO, NORWAY (November 5, 1996)

Canadian Embassy in Oslo

November 5, 1996

François Mathys, Canadian Ambassador to Norway

Catherine Dickson, Trade Program

Gilles Gingras, Cultural Program

Bjorn Petter Hernes, Information and Cultural Division

Leslie White, Military attaché

The Bellona Foundation

November 5, 1996

Nils Bøhmer, Nuclear Physicist, Russian Studies Group

Norwegian Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

November 5, 1996

Ambassador Jon D. Bech, Special Advisor, Politisk - S5

Siri Bjerke, sttssekrs

Kåre Bryn, DG, Chairman on AEPS

Age Grutle, Secretary, Standing Committee on Foreign Relations, Stortinget

Leif Holger Larsen, Head of Division, Politisk - S4

Norwegian Polar Institute

November 5, 1996

Olav Orheim, Director

Fridtjof Nansen Institute

November 5, 1996

Davor Vidas, Director, Polar Program

Norwegian Research Council, University of Oslo

November 5, 1996

Lars Walloe, Chairman

Norwegian Royal Ministry of Justice

November 5, 1996

John Gauslaa, Executive Secretary, Head of Saami Rights Commission Secretariat and Chair of Saami Rights Committee

Norwegian Royal Ministry of Defence

November 5, 1996

Oddvin Horneland, Executive Officer, Arctic Military Environment Cooperation Agreement (AMEC) Department of Defence Resources

Lars Otto Reiersen, Executive Secretary, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program

Norwegian Parliament

November 5, 1996

Haakon Blankenberg, Member of Parliament

FRAM Museum

November 5, 1996

Mr. Berg, Director

Maritime Museum

November 5, 1996

Mr. Kolltveit, Director

TROMSØ, NORWAY (November 6, 1996)

Norwegian Saami Parliament

November 6, 1996

Ing Lill Pavall, Vice-President

Lars Eira, Member and Leader, Saami Reindeer Herders Association of Norway

Saami Council

November 6, 1996

Lars Anders Baer, Member

Leif Halonen, Member and permanent participant at the Arctic Council

University of Tromsø

November 6, 1996

Harald Overvåg, Director

Ande Somby, Chairman of the Board, Centre for Saami Studies

Alf Håkon Hoel, Associate Professor, Norwegian College of Fishery Sciences

Harald Gaski, Associate Professor, Institute of Language and Literature

Trond Thuen, Professor of Anthropology, Institute of Social Sciences

Asgeir Brekke, Professor and Chairman of the Board Roald Amundsen Centre

Tromsø Museum

November 6, 1996

Dikka Storm, Curator

Per Kyrre Reymert, Head of Public Affairs

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (November 7, 1996)

Canadian Embassy in Stockholm

November 7, 1996

William F. Clarke, Canadian Ambassador to Sweden

Gerald Skinner, chargé d'affaires, Riga

Dan del Villano, Second Secretary

Parliament of Sweden

November 7, 1996

Honourable Birgitta Dahl, Speaker

Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

November 7, 1996

Wanja Tornberg, Ambassador

Swedish Polar Research Secretariat

November 7, 1996

Anders Karlquist, Head

University of Gottenburg

November 7, 1996

Richard Langlais, Professor

Swedish Saami Parliament

November 7, 1996

Ingwar Åhrén, Chairman

Saami Youth Organization

November 7, 1996

Ylva Gustafsson, Member

Stockholm Environment Institute

November 7, 1996

Nicholas Sonntag, Director General

Arno Rosemarin, Member

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK (November 8, 1996)

Canadian Embassy in Copenhagen

November 8, 1996

Brian Baker, Canadian Ambassador to Denmark

Mervyn Meadows, Counsellor

Kirsten Trolle, Greenland Advisor, PMO

Greenland Home Rule Office

November 8, 1996

Eina Lemche, Director

Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

November 8, 1996

Henrik Fischer, Greenland Specialist/Adviser

Nordic Council

November 8, 1996

Knud Engaard, President and Chairman, Danish delegation to Nordic Council

Henrik Hagemann, Leader, Danish delegation to Nordic Council

Parliament of Denmark

November 8, 1996

Hans-Pavia Rosing, Member of Parliament for Greenland

Finn Linge, Representative for Greenland in Brussels

Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC)

November 8, 1996

Aqqaluk Lynge, Greenland Vice-President

ICC Youth Council

November 8, 1996

Jørgen Waever Johanssen, President

Indigenous Peoples Secretariat

November 8, 1996

Chester Reimer, Executive Secretary

Nordic Council of Ministers

November 8, 1996

Thorvald Wettestad, Director

Göran Lundberg, Secretary

Susanna Kruise, Senior adviser to Secretary General on Arctic Affairs

Reidar Hindrum, Senior advisor to Secretary General on Arctic Affairs

Jørgen Taagholt, Greenland and the Arctic Region

Danish Polar Centre

November 8, 1996

Morten Meldgaard, Director
