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ACUNS - Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies

AEPS - Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy

AES - Arctic Environmental Strategy

AKMNSSDV, R.F. - Association of Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation

AMAP - Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AEPS)

AMEC - Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation (agreement)

ANWR - Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

ASDI - Arctic Sustainable Development Initiative

ASEP - Arctic Science Exchange Program

ASTIS - Arctic Science and Technology Information System

ATS - Antarctic Treaty System

BEAR - Council of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region

BHP - Broken Hill Proprietary Ltd.

CAFF - Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (AEPS)

CANDU - Canada Deuterium-Uranium (nuclear reactor)

CARC - Canadian Arctic Resources Committee

CCC - Canadian Circumpolar Commission

CCI - Canadian Circumpolar Institute

CCMS - Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (NATO)

CFCs - Chlorofluorocarbons

CFE - Conventional Forces in Europe (treaty)

CIBDC - Canadian Inuit Business Development Council

CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency

CIIPS - Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security

CINE - Centre for Nutrition and Environment of Indigenous Peoples

CIS- Commonwealth of Independent States

CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna

CPC - Canadian Polar Commission

CPAN - Circumpolar Protected Areas Network

CPIS - Canadian Polar Information System

CSBMs - Confidence and Security-Building Measures

DEW - Distant Early Warning

DFAIT - Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

DIAND - Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

DND - Department of National Defence

EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

EDC - Export Development Corporation

EIAs - Environmental Impact Assessments

EPPR - Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response (AEPS)

ESPOO - Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context

EU - European Union

GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GEF - Global Environment Facility

GOSKOMSEVER - State Committee on Northern Development (Russia)

IASC - International Arctic Science Committee

IASSA - International Arctic Social Sciences Association

IBC - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

ICC - Inuit Circumpolar Conference

IEC - Canada-Russia Intergovernmental Economic Commission

INTARIS - Integrated Arctic Resources Information System

IPA - International Permafrost Association

ISIRA - International Science Initiative in the Russian Arctic (IASC)

IUCH - International Union for Circumpolar Health

IWC - International Whaling Commission

LRTAP - Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution

MAB/NSN - United Nations Man and the Biosphere-Northern Sciences Network

MARPOL - Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

MMPA - Marine Mammal Protection Act (U.S.)

NAFO - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization

NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement

NAMMCO - North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NGO - Nongovernmental Organization

NMP - Northern Management Program

NORAD - North American Aerospace Defence Command

NSTP - Northern Scientific Training Program

NWT - Northwest Territories

OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OSCE - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

PAME - Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (AEPS)

PCBs - Polychlorinated Biphenyls

PCSP - Polar Continental Shelf Project

POPs - Persistent Organic Pollutants

SAOs - Senior Arctic Officials

SCAR - Scientific Committee on Antartic Research

SCPAR - Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region

START - System for Analysis, Research and Training

START I, II & III - Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (treaties)

TEK - Traditional Ecological Knowledge

TFSDU - Task Force on Sustainable Development and Utilization (AEPS)

UN - United Nations

UNCED - United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

UNEP - United Nations Environment Program

UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

USAID - U.S. Aid

WTO - World Trade Organization

WWF - World Wildlife Fund
