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[Recorded by Electronic Apparatus]

Tuesday, September 24, 1995



The Clerk of the Committee: I see a quorum.


Pursuant to Standing Order 106 the first order of business is to elect the Chair.


I am ready to receive nominations to that effect.


Mr. Boudria (Glengarry - Prescott - Russell): We nominate Mr. Valeri.

Mr. Bellemare (Carleton - Gloucester): I second that motion.


Motion agreed to



The Clerk: I invite Mr. Valeri to take the chair.


A voice: Mr. Chair, I nominate Mr. Gilmour for vice-chair.

The Chairman: Mr. Ovid.

Mr. Jackson (Bruce - Grey): Mr. Chair, I'd like to nominate Eugène Bellemare for the vice-chair.

The Chairman: According to the clerk, an election of a vice-chair is only required when there is a resignation. Given the fact that there has been no resignation of the prior vice-chairs, they will remain. This is the clerk's interpretation of the rule.

Mr. Boudria: If I may, I have a point of order, Mr. Chairman. With the tabling of the report, the committees have been dissolved, and because they have been dissolved, they're now being reconstituted. As much as all of us would hope to save ourselves the job of re-electing everybody or electing everybody, as the case may be, I submit to the chair that it's not the case, at least with all other committees this morning, and this is the sixth one to be started this morning; the chairs and vice-chairs were all re-elected.

The Chairman: Then we'll proceed in that case. Mr. Ovid.

Mr. Jackson: Just for clarification, Mr. Chair, usually you only vote for one name at a time, and of course the chair is the person who recognizes the person. What happens in rotation is if you recognize somebody else it would be probably a notice of motion by that person, but the procedure is that we only vote for one name at a time - from Beauchesne's.

The Chairman: Okay.

Mr. Gilmour (Comox - Alberni): I want a clarification, Mr. Chair. Are there two vice-chairs that we're voting for, or one?

The Chairman: Yes, there are two.

We have a motion by Mr. Ovid Jackson that Eugène Bellemare should be one of the vice-chairs. Agreed?

Mr. McClelland (Edmonton Southwest): Mr. Chair, may we have a recorded vote?


Mr. Crête (Kamouraska - Rivière-du-Loup): As there been a nomination for the first position?


Motion agreed to

The Chairman: It has now been adopted that Mr. Bellemare is vice-chair.

Mr. McClelland: Mr. Chair, I nominate Bill Gilmour for the second vice-chair.


Mr. Crête: Are you receiving all candidacies or just one?


Mr. Chairman, I wish to table a notice of motion to propose Mr. Fillion after we have voted on the motion.


The Chairman: Thank you. We have a motion now by Mr. McClelland putting forward the name of Mr. Gilmour as second vice-chair - with a recorded vote?

Mr. McClelland: Yes.

The Chairman: A recorded vote, please. Mr. Bertrand?


Mr. Bertrand (Pontiac - Gatineau - Labelle): Could you repeat the motion, please?


The Chairman: We have a motion by Mr. McClelland, putting forward the name ofMr. Gilmour as second vice-chair. We're now in the process of taking a recorded vote.

Mr. Bertrand: I'll be voting against it, Mr. Chairman.

Motion negatived: nays 7; yeas 2

The Chairman: That motion has been defeated. We have a second motion before us now, put forward by Monsieur Crête - the name of Mr. Fillion for the position of second vice-chair. Do we require a recorded vote? No?

Motion agreed to

The Chairman: All agreed. Thank you. Congratulations to the vice-chairs.

Mr. McClelland: On division.

The Chairman: On division.

Just before the committee breaks up, the steering committee, as I understand it, is made up of the two vice-chairs and one opposition member. Mr. Gilmour, were you part of the steering committee?

Mr. Gilmour: I really can't remember. Was I, Eric?

A voice: Yes.

Mr. Gilmour: Okay.

The Chairman: So according to what this committee has agreed to before, the steering committee is made up of the chair, the vice-chairs, Mr. Gilmour, and Mr Harvard. So all things being in agreement, can we continue with that composition of the steering committee?

Some hon. members: Agreed.

The Chairman: Thank you. Perhaps we can schedule a time and I'll have the clerk contact each of the members of the steering committee so that we can meet relatively soon to discuss the order and the direction of the committee.

If there are no other orders of business, the meeting is adjourned. Thank you.

Mr. Bellemare: Just for clarification, who are the Liberals on the committee? You mentionMr. Harvard - is he still on the committee?

The Chairman: Yes, I believe so. We have Ms Beaumier, Mr. Bellemare, Mr. Bryden,Mr. Harvard, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Malhi and myself.

Mr. Bellemare: Okay. Thank you.

The Chairman: The meeting is adjourned.

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