Associations and Individuals
International Financial Institutions
Hon. Douglas Peters, Secretary of State
3 (#21)
Thursday, June 20, 1996
Department of Finance
Frank Swedlove, Director, Financial Sector Policy Division Martine Doyon, Chief, Policy Development
Department of Finance
Bob Hamilton, Assistant Deputy Minister, Financial Sector Policy Branch; Frank Swedlove, Director, Financial Sector Policy Division; Martine Doyon, Chief, Policy Development.
4 (#26)
Thursday, September 19, 1996
Canadian Bankers Association
Gordon J. Feeney, Chairman Executive Council; Raymond Protti, President and Chief Executive Officer; Douglas Melville, Director, Business and Regulatory Affairs
4 (#27)
Thursday, September 19, 1996
Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association
Grodon R. Cunningham, President and Chief Executive Officer; Mark R. Daniels, President.
Insurance Bureau of Canada
George Anderson, President; Alex Kennedy, Vice-President, Legal Division.
Midland Walwyn Capital Inc.
Robert Shultz, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
4 (#28)
Tuesday, September 24, 1996
Gordon Capital Corporation
Peter A. Bailey, Chief Operating Officer and Secretary.
Goodman Phillips &Vineberg
Lorie Waisberg, Partner.
First Marathon Securities Ltd.
Claude Bédard, Vice-President and Director
Canadian Real Estate Association
Pierre Beauchamp, Chief Executive Officer; Shirley A. Taylor, Manager External Relations; Martin Laplante, consultant for «RES Policy Research Inc.».
Insurance Brokers Association of Canada
Rod R. Jones, President; Joanne C. Brown, Executive Director.
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Catherine Swift, President; Brien Gray, Senior Vice-President, Policy and Provincial Affairs.
Tel Pay Bill Payment Service (A Division of CTI-ComTel Inc.)
William H. Loewen, F.C.A., President.
4 (#29)
Tuesday, September 24, 1996
Credit Union Central of Canada
Robert McVeigh, Chairman of the Board of Directors; Bill Knight, President and Chief Executive Officer.
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA)
Graeme Rutledge, F.C.A., Chair of the CICA Financial Institutions Reform Study Group; William Broadhurst, F.C.A., Chairman of the Legal Liability Task Force.
Life Underwriters Association of Canada
Dave Thibaudeau, President; Hal Couillard, President and Chief Executive Officer; William T. Babcock, Vice-President, Public Affairs.
Norwest Financial Transcanada Credit
John van Leeuwen, President; Nick Scrafo, Assistant Vice-President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary; Steve Wagner, Assistant General Counsel, Norwest Financial Inc.; Richard Owens, partner, Smith Lyons.
4 (#30)
Wednesday, September 25, 1996
Capital One Financial Corporation
John G. Finneran Jr., Senior Vice-President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary; David M. Willey, Vice-President and Treasurer.
Canadian Bankers Association (Schedule II
Foreign Banks Executive Committee)
Fred Buhler, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank of America Canada; Willem Veger, President and Chief Executive Officer of ABN AMRO Bank of Canada; Osamu Okahashi, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Sumitomo Bank of Canada; Marlene Buchanan, Assistant Vice-President of the Deutsche Bank Canada; Bill Randle, Secretary to the Foreign Bank Committee.
Consumers' Association of Canada
Dr. Robert Kerton, Chair Financial Services Committee Marnie McCall, Director Policy Reaserch.
Democracy Watch
Duff Conacher, Coordinator.
4 (#31)
Thursday, September 26, 1996
Deutsche Bank of Canada
Stephen von Romberg Droste, President and Chief Executive Officer; Barry Munholland, Senior Vice-President and Managing Director.
«Association coopérative d'économie familale du
Centre de Montréal»
Louise Rozon, Executive Director; Éric Fraser, Manager, Consumer Services; Jacques St-Amant, Lawyer, Research. Sidney Ribaux, Project Coordinator.
Round Top Window Products Inc.
Dianne Waterhouse, President.
Trimark Investment Management Inc.
Brad J. Badeau, Senior Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer; Kathleen Young, Vice-President and Treasurer.
4 (#32)
Thursday, September 26, 1996
The Retail Council of Canada
Diane Brisebois, President and Chief Executive Officer; Ken Morrison, President of Ken Morrison Consulting Inc. and RCC Banking Consultant; Ray Bird, Vice-President Credit, Sears Canada Inc. and Chairman, RCC Banking Committee.
General Electric Capital
Michael N. Davies, Vice-President, General Counsel and Secretary; Leslie Battrick, lawyer; Roman Oryschuk, President and Chief Executive Officer
4 (#33)
Monday, September 30, 1996
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
Andrew A. Scace, Vice-President and Director, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.; Peter K. Marchant, Vice-President and Director, CIBC Wood Gundy Inc. Ian C. Russell, Vice-President, Capital Markets, IDAC. Jean Morin, Vice-President, Midland Walwyn Inc.
Power Financial Corporation
James W. Burnes, President Edward Johnson, Vice-President and Chief of Legal Services and Secretary.
Congress Financial Corporation
William R. Davis, President; Albert Mandia, President; Jean Anderson, McMillan Binch.
Wells Fargo Bank
Gadi Meir, Project Leader and Senior Financial Consultant, Business Banking Group; Louise Pelly, c.r., Gowling, Strathy & Henderson.
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Bruce Phillips, Privacy Commisionner of Canada
Department of Finance
Bob Hamilton, Assistant Deputy Minister, Financial Sector Policy Branch; Frank Swedlove, Director, Financial Sector Policy Division; André Brossard, Director, Legislation and Precedents Division.
4 (#34)
Tuesday, October 1st, 1996
Canadian Bankers Association
Gordon J. Feeney, Chairman of the Executive Council; Raymond J. Protti, President and Chief Executive Officer; Douglas Melville, Director, Commercial and Regulatory Affairs; David Phillips, Vice-President, General Counsel and Secretary.