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[Recorded by Electronic Apparatus]

Thursday, September 28, 1995



The Clerk of the Committee: Order.

I see a quorum.

The first order of business is the election of a chair. I'm ready to receive motions to that effect.

Mr. Richardson (Perth - Wellington - Waterloo): I nominate Mr. George Proud as chairman.

Mrs. Hickey (St. John's East): I second the motion.

The Clerk: Are there any further nominations or motions? No?

Motion agreed to

The Clerk: I declare Mr. George Proud to be the duly elected chair of the committee.

The Chair: Mr. Mifflin.


Mr. Mifflin (Bonavista - Trinity - Conception): I notice that the next order of business is to elect our vice-chairs, so I move that Jean-Marc Jacob be elected as one of them.

Mr. Bertrand (Pontiac - Gatineau - Labelle): I second the motion.

The Chair: The first motion is to elect Mr. Jean-Marc Jacob as vice-chair of this committee.

Mr. Frazer (Saanich - Gulf Islands): These are not motions; these are nominations, I believe.

The Clerk: They're moved as motions, Mr. Frazer.

Mr. Frazer: The motion was to move for nomination, I believe.

The Chair: Moved that - whomever - be elected vice-chair of this committee.

All those in favour of Mr. Jacob? Those opposed?

Motion agreed to

The Chair: Mr. Jacob is the new vice-chair of this committee.

Is there a further nomination for vice-chair of this committee?

Mrs. Hickey: I nominate Mr. Richardson.

Mr. O'Reilly (Victoria - Haliburton): I second the motion.

Motion agreed to

The Chair: Thank you.

We have to re-establish the steering committee. I suggest that this should be in the same manner as we did the last time: the two vice-chairs plus the chair, and an additional member.

Mr. Frazer: I nominate Jim Hart as the additional member.

The Chair: And Mr. Mifflin.

Mrs. Hickey: I second that motion.

Mr. Mifflin: Mr. Chair, how large do we need to make the steering committee? My druthers would be - and I think all of us would agree - that the fewer necessary people, the better.

The Chair: It will be five plus myself.

Mr. Mifflin: So there will be one from each of the opposition parties and the parliamentary secretary. That makes sense.

The Chair: Fine. Is that agreed?

Some hon. members: Agreed.

The Chair: When we conclude this portion of the meeting, would the committee be willing to have a steering committee meeting per se?

Mr. Mifflin: Absolutely. The sooner we get on it, the better.

The Chair: Agreed.

I therefore adjourn this portion of the meeting and ask the steering committee to stay for a few moments and we'll continue.
